Shoe Trauma

My Mum brought my Daughter home after taking her for a day out. She’d also bought her some shoes, the ones on the left of the photo, and my daughter says they are the style she likes and everyone wears them and its the new fashion now. She refuses to wear the shoes I got for her which are much better quality and made from leather not plastic.

So anyway I took the opportunity to tell her that the style of shoes she thinks are so new and fashionable were actually around when I was her age and were originally a style for men. I also told her about big corporations controlling ‘fashion’ and deciding on what the next big thing will be via advertising and peer pressure. I said be yourself and don’t follow the crowd.

All the time I’m saying this, my Mum is there rolling her eyes at me, saying what I said was ‘Conspiracy Theories’ and nonsense and basically putting me down in front of my daughter. Then she says to me that she wants to show me some photographs of their day out, and I said I wasn’t interested after she’d just put me down in front of my own daughter, her grand daughter, so she says she never put me down, when she blatantly just did and storms out of the door saying ‘get lost’.

Now, maybe I could have handled it better, but I did try to calmly explain that the things I was saying were very important for me to say. I didn’t lose my temper. I don’t understand why she thinks her point of view is so much more important than mine. I’d describe her point of view as something like ‘You cant do anything about it so why bother?’, but she also believes all the crap she watches on the BBC and other mainstream media. That kind of attitude got her husband killed by taking the ‘covid’ jabs in my opinion.

I’m also not so stupid to think that my daughter is going to heed my words now at age 10, but she may remember them when she’s older. If I had more adults around me (read any) with similar based opinions to me, she’d have a much more solid foundation growing up and the strength to be herself. Everyone needs a solid foundation of love and support. At least she has me I guess, but it’s a bit like “you’re holding me, who’s holding you?”

One response to “Shoe Trauma”

  1. I think that I have never intervened ever in how my children raise their children . I have views but I never express them in the presence of the child . Just my policy . I think you were reasonable in this exchange and not even remotely deserving of the throwaway‘conspiracy theorist ‘ monicker

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